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100 Nassau Ave, Atlantic Beach, NY 11509

2025 Gan JCAB Registration

We are currently accepting registration for the 2025 season. To reserve a place for your child in our summer program, please complete the registration form below. Tuition is due at time of registration.
Orientation with a parent present will be on June 30th from 9:00-10:00 am.
July 1 - August 22, 2025
Tuition: $2,400/JCAB member; $2,600 non-member
Optional: Weekly tuition fee: $375 per week

Family/Guardian Information

First & Last

Camper Information

Register Additional Children
Register Children for Full Summer
   Children of Members ($2,200 before May 15)
   Children of Non Members ($2,400 before May 15)July 1-August 22, 2025
Register Children on Weekly Basis Only
   Week 1 (July 1-July 3)
   Week 2 (July 7-11)
   Week 3 (July 14-18)
   Week 4 (July 21-25)
   Week 5 (July 28-Aug 1)
   Week 6 (Aug 4-8)
   Week 7 (Aug 11-15)
   Week 8 (Aug 18-22)

Participation in Gan JCAB 2025 Day Camp/Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Claims
As the parent or legal guardian of __________________, a child who will be attending Gan Jewish Center of Atlantic Beach (“JCAB”) day camp program during the summer of 2025, I understand my child will be engaging in athletic and recreational activities sponsored by the JCAB, which will take place at the JCAB, which involve certain risks and exposure to personal injury to my child, which risks and exposure I voluntarily assume on behalf of my child.  I hereby represent that my child is in good health and has no disability, impairment, injury, disease or ailment which prevents him/her from engaging in active or passive exercise or which would cause increased risk or injury or adverse health consequences as a result of naïve or abusive exercise.  I agree that neither JCAB nor its agents or employees owes any duty to me, either for my safety or otherwise, related in any way to my child’s participation in any such activity.  In the event it is determined that the JCAB or its agents or employees owed any such duty to me, or the JCAB or its agents or employees would otherwise be liable to me or my child for any acts or omissions relating to my child’s participation in such activity, I agree that I (on my own behalf and on behalf of my child) will not hold the JCAB or its agents or employees (“JCAB Entities”) responsible for any loss, claim, injury, damage or liability sustained or incurred by my child in connection with my child’s participation in such activity, and hereby assume any such risk of injury, even if caused by the negligence of the JCAB Entities, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the JCAB Entities from any liability associated in any way with my child’s participation in the activity described above.

I authorize any adult acting on behalf of the Gan JCAB program to treat, hospitalize, or secure treatment for my child, at my expense, in the event of any injury.  It is understood that if time and circumstances reasonably permit, Gan JCAB personnel will try, but are not required, to communicate with me prior to seeking such treatment.

I further understand that my child may be photographed while participating in Gan JCAB activities and that these pictures may be used for marketing purposes. 
I further agree that the JCAB shall not be liable for the loss, theft of, or damage to, any personal property brought by my child in connection with such activity.  I agree that my child must abide by all rules and regulations with respect to the activity set by the JCAB.   I have read and understand this agreement and sign it voluntarily.
Enter first & last name
Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785